Consulting Services

The following consulting / advisory services are available under SME Keystone Leadership Pty Ltd

Questions or interested in consulting services? Please email:

Experienced consulting available to help you, your leadership team, your workers, and your business:

  • Increase your compliance to Australian legislation*.
  • Improve your knowledge and understanding for better management.
  • Create and/or update/review your systems, procedures, and documentation.
  • Assist with training and continual improvement.

*Health and safety, and environment (HSE), related consulting is primarily recommended for Australian businesses due to legislative requirements i.e. consultant is located and only familiar with Australian legislation.
Guidance for protecting your workers, others and the environment from harm provided for non-Australian businesses may not assist with your legislative compliance.
Quality consulting (based on the international ISO 9001) and general business systems are not restricted to Australia only.

Health and Safety

Australian primary legislation:
- Workplace Health and Safety Act (federal and states)
- Workplace Health and Safety Regulation (federal and states)
- Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act

Management system standard: AS/NZS ISO 45001

Consultant: Ian Hulbert

Common consulting for Health and Safety:

  • Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) reviews - due annually or whenever tasks/processes change.
    • Minimum: document only review: content/controls/risk scores and updates to relevant legislation, codes of practice and standards.
    • Recommended minimum: document review with consultation (discussion) with competent/senior worker(s).
    • Significant changes / unclear procedures / identified concerns: in person observation of identified tasks/procedures/controls with competent/senior worker(s).
  • New Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) creation - required for new tasks with 'high risk tasks' (common is new plant/equipment).
    • Minimum: run through and review consultations (discussions) with competent/senior workers(s) - photos/videos often required.
    • Significant high-risk tasks / complicated or high-risk plant/equipment, unclear procedures, or identified concerns: in person observation with competent/senior worker(s).
  • Review/update and/or creation of Policies and Procedures.
    • Minimum: run through discussion with relevant representatives.
    • Significant changes / unclear procedures / identified concerns: discussions as required with relevant representatives and final review.
  • Hazardous Chemicals - Safety Data Sheets required for all hazardous chemicals (expire 5 years after last issue date)
    • Review of hazardous chemicals register and safety data sheets (SDS) - reliant on provided list of used/stored chemicals.
    • Follow up on supply of new and updates safety data sheets from suppliers/manufacturers.
    • Review (risk assessment) of safety data sheets (SDS): hazardous/dangerous, risks, controls, first aid, storage, spill response, disposal.
    • Review/update of related Risk Assessments, Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS), and other procedures (purchasing/supply, use, transport and storage).
  • Management System review/update and/or development in compliant with AS/NZS ISO 45001 (old AS/NZS 4801)
    • Management system integration:
      • Health and Safety only i.e. Health and Safety Management System, or
      • Health, Safety and Environment (+ AS/NZS ISO 14001) i.e. HSE Management System, or
      • Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (+ AS/NZS ISO 9001) i.e. HSEQ Management System.
    • Desktop review/audit (third party or as internal - not certification i.e. not JAS-ANZ Accredited
      • Recommend as internal review for non-certified system or preparation/internal review before a certification audit.
    • Creation or updates to build your management system (including transitioning/upgrading from AS/NZS 4801).
    • Gap analysis i.e. identify what you are missing.
  • Training/certification needs gap analysis.
  • Training and general discussion/advise.
  • Inspections, observations, and audits.


No (direct) legislation (recommended standard and may be a client/tender requirement for certification or equivalent).

Management system standard: AS/NZS ISO 9001

Consultant: Ian Hulbert

Common consulting for Quality:

  • Review of existing quality documentation (management system, procedures, policies).
  • Gaps needs analysis i.e. what documentation / management is missing (in reference to the standard).
  • Creation, addition, upgrade of Quality Management System and associated documentation:
    • It is recommended to keep the primary management system document simple and easy to follow, while referring the procedures and policies.
    • The referred procedures and policies can be reviewed/updated separately at a risk assessed schedule e.g. annual.
  • Stakeholders and general business risk assessment guidance.
  • Creation of internal auditing guides/checklists.
  • Training and general discussion/advise.
  • Inspections, observations and audits.

HSEQ Management Systems

Combined management system covering:

  • Health and Safety (AS/NZS ISO 45001)
  • Environment (AS/NZS ISO 14001)
  • Quality (AS/NZS ISO 9001)

Consultant: Ian Hulbert

Common consulting for an integrated HSEQ Management System:

  • Review of existing systems and documentation (including potential for combining separate systems into a single integrated system).
  • Gaps needs analysis (same as above, with a combined approach e.g. most often, SWMS can identify both health and safety, and environment).
  • Creation and/or combining or upgrading of your HSEQ Management System.
  • Creation of internal auditing guides/checklists.
  • Training and general discussion/advise.
  • Inspections, observations, and audits.

Business Systems

Systems (and procedures), including the use of software and other 'tools' to help automate, manage, and improve your business.

Consultant: Ian Hulbert

Common consulting for Business Systems:

  • Review of identified existing systems:
    • Gathering all systems (and software) currently in use.
    • Identifying essential and non-essential system relationships.
    • Identifying blockers or inhibitors between any systems.
    • Determining current effectiveness/efficiency.
    • Consulting with users to gather benefits and challenges.
    • Identifying any systems/software that is unnecessary duplicating or hindering.
    • Potential changes/new systems/software available for review.
  • Assist with changes/upgrades and new systems/software.
    • Connectivity/relationship mapping and management.
    • Training and documentation to assist with management.
    • Communication/interpretation with third parties as required.
  • Creation of internal auditing guides/checklists for monitoring performance.
  • General guidance/advise on business systems.

Ian Hulbert


  • Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety (distinction) - Queensland University of Technology (Australia).
  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
  • Bachelor of Built Environment: Landscape Architecture.
  • Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations.
  • Chemical Awareness & Spill Training Certificate.
  • Work Safely at Heights.
  • High Risk Work Licence: WP (11m+ boom type) + LF (forklift).
  • Operator certificates: loader (wheeled front-end), water cart, tip truck.
  • HR (road ranger) truck driver's licence.
  • RPA operator accreditation (drones).
  • Construction induction (white card).


Occupational Health and Safety, Environment, Quality and Business Systems since 2011 as both a consultant and senior leadership / management.
Primarily within the construction industry, with additional experience with workshops, factories, trades (services, maintenance and installation).
Working within a variety of worksites and clients/principal contractors including construction, mining, council, landscaping and domestic.


To guide, assist, and improve business's, their principal, leadership team, and workers, to continually improve their systems, health and safety, environment, and quality management.
Providing/upgrading systems and tools to be more robust, efficient, effective, and easy to follow. Ian enjoys the reduction of complexity and removal of unnecessary clutter.
Improve the business' management of HSEQ while providing the principal and leadership the tools and systems to achieve great results and compliance, protecting workers, others, and the environment, while gaining back time to complete other essential priorities.


$125 per hour (+GST AUD) + any additional expenses (payment due within 14 days of issue).
Invoiced on completion of the specified tasks and/or fortnightly, or otherwise as agreed upfront.

Any additional expenses will be invoiced (or ideally covered directly) e.g. non-standard PPE. However, this is often avoidable i.e. most consulting work does not carry any additional expenses.
Standard vehicle travel to and from an office or work site is not considered an additional expense (this is considered covered within the standard hourly rate).
The first 30 minutes of travel, both to and from, are not invoiced with a minimum of 3 hours to be invoiced (may be a 3+ hour meeting, or less with additional tasks to be completed to total to at least 3 hours).
Any additional travel time is invoiced at the standard hourly rate. Any additional travel expenses will be invoiced (if not covered directly) e.g. parking, flights, accommodation.
Any mandatory inductions required to complete work (e.g. site access for observation) will be invoiced at the standard hourly rate + any costs.


What is recommended when hiring a consultant?

The following is recommended before hiring ANY consultant...

Ask questions e.g. via email, to confirm capability and share your requirements (what do you need).
Confirm you are comfortable with their capability, methodology and rates.
Start with an in person or online video meeting e.g. in your office (charged) or via teams/zoom.
Confirm your scope and expectations.

Unless you are purchasing prepared documentation (this is discouraged), the time required to complete tasks/documentation is not a clear time period.
Therefore, understanding your requirements and confirming your scope, is the best way for an approximate time allowance to be determined.

Where task and plant (equipment/machinery/vehicles/tools) documentation is requested.

  • It is most often essential for a minimum of an observation to be completed (in person and/or videos can be provided).
  • It is also highly recommended that relevant persons/roles are contactable to confirm information (email, call and/or in person).
    For example, relevant management and a sample/representative of the worker's performing the tasks / using the plant.

Where required, existing documentation will be requested and encouraged.
It is most common (and highly recommended) to review and update/upgrade existing systems, documentations and forms.